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Welcome to The Wise Farm

Wise Farm Productions was established in 2018 as a way to create a new avenue for original music performance and consumption in the Lake Geneva, WI area.  Since 2018, Wise Farm Productions has planned and hosted  multiple events including Wise Fest, Feed Your Head Fest, Bluegrass Jamboree's, Concerts at a variety of locations, Livestream Series, and much more.


As we move into 2024 and beyond, keep an eye out for new Wise Farm sponsored events, partnerships with new venues and expansion of our flagship events, Wise Fest and Feed Your Head Fest.

We provide full production, amazing original music performances and a vibe that you won't find anywhere else in our area.  Wise Farm is a state of mind developed and fueled by the good people that attend our events and continue to spread the word about our mission.

All of our events are self-funded, which means there will never be any corporate mumbo-jumbo associated with them.  This allows us to stay true to our mission of featuring the best local/regional original music talent that we come across.


About Us

"Wise Farm isn't a's a state of mind." 

Melissa Weishaar, President and Founder

Wise Farm is the brain child of Americana/Rock duo, Wise Jennings.  Over the  years, Jeff and Melissa of Wise Jennings, have been fortunate to meet so many amazing people involved in the original music community of Wisconsin and beyond.  What started as a simple party in their backyard has grown into something that they are incredibly proud of and grateful for.  The Wise Farm family continues to grow and you will be welcomed with open and loving arms.  Join us for an're sure to feel the love!


Our Tribe

We are fortunate enough to have a core group of people that we affectionately call our Wise Tribe.  Our tribe is vital to ensuring that our events are pulled off in a way  that is consistent with our mission.  Watch for these folks at our events and give them a hug...they deserve it!!

Wise Jennings Press By Shatter Imagery-3000.jpg

Melissa Weishaar

"The Boss"

Melissa runs the show.  She is responsible for booking bands and venues, selecting vendors, organizing all the stuff and much, much more.

Alex and Friends Halloween By Shatter Imagery-3218.jpg

Jeff Weishaar

"The Heavy Lifter"

Jeff is Melissa's rock.  He gets shit done, like moving stages, site set up, production coordination and so much more.  None of this could happen without Jeff. 


Beth Fiegel

"The Wise Angel"

Beth keeps everything organized.  She is our volunteer coordinator and biggest cheerleader.  Beth is the Owner of Adams Automotive & Tire...our one and only sponsor.


Ali Thomas

"The Master"

Ali is responsible for our social media presence.  She is a master at content creation and communication.  You will see her performing on stage one minute to taking pictures the next.  If you've interacted with us on Instagram, it's likely that you were talking with Ali!


"The MC"

Eddie is responsible for stage management, artist relations and the incredibly important role of Main Stage MC. 


"The Designer"

Carrie is the one that creates our amazing Artist Hospitality areas.  From tent construction, decorating, food and beverage and all other cool stuff she comes up with, Carrie is the brains behind the comfort.  She is always helped by her entire family all of whom have become our family too. 

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